Store your food better to make it last longer
Finding the cleanest and greenest products that really do work
With so many products claiming to be greener, cleaner and to last longer, it can be hard to know where to put your money and your trust.
Which products work and which don’t? Which brands have really thought about their green credentials and which are simply piggy-backing on a growing market?
Our reviews uncover it all so you can choose what you use with confidence.
Read our latest tips to reduce your waste bill
Food you shouldn’t store in the fridge
Where do you store your fresh foods? These surprising fresh foods are usually kept in the fridge but these are foods you shouldn’t store in the fridge.

How to stack your refrigerator to reduce food waste
Stack your fridge like a warrior Within your fridge the temperature varies. Stacking the wrong food in the wrong area can lead to premature food degradation. Learn how to stack your refrigerator to reduce food waste.Raw meat and fishThese should be kept away from...
Mission & Values
The double savings challenge: Finding you products that save you pennies and are kind to the environment.
The product best for your pocket isn’t always the cheapest. And the best product for the environment almost always isn’t the easiest on your pocket.
Here, we put products to the test to find out whether the extra spend saves you money or means you don’t have to spend so often.

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